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Dr Mats tip of the Day - 057- Disruption: what about the procedures and policies ?

Dr Mat

So I have written before about Disruption - explained how it is fast paced, uncertain and risky - not to mention difficult to predict. The environment for all organizations will not likely return to the previous relative stability of years gone by, rather the social media, internet and globalization is likely to increase speed and change.

So if everything is changing quickly - have you considered how your policies, procedures and rules will keep up with all the change ?

Seems that unless you have a very able and resourced policy unit your procedures and policies will be out of date to some extent. Certainly may be difficult for you to determine and write policy about new forms of transactions that are constantly emerging like crypto-currencies, like trade-wars, like climate change etc etc. So if new creative opportunities emerge will your staff take them on or will they hold back and wait for new policies to be written ?

A new form of transaction may be legal today (eg trade with country that ends up in middle of trade war) yet at some point it may either be illegal or it may become immoral or just unethical (eg transactions taking advantage of the young, the poor, the disabled etc). If your policies are not adequate, or are not up to date or not published - how will your staff know how to take advantage of new transaction types ?

Perhaps ethics may be the answer for your organisation, try to align society common values with your staff and your customer decision making models. If people know right from wrong they may not need your written words, they may just look at society and all its unwritten pressures to decide, may seek out society values before committing your organization to new transactions that may be embarrassing or may cause reputation loss or real value loss.

Build an ethical framework urgently for your business, discuss disruption and how risks and opportunities should be measured. Strong society values trained and embedded in your team may be a great way to insure your business against the risks of disruption.

There is so much that will change in disruption, leadership will not be the same so consider these points and read more on disruption today in order to be ahead of the rest, preparing your organization for the future of change.

Consider hiring leaders now with additional skills ready for Disruption ! avoid the lost opportunities of having managers without the leadership skills required.

If you are a Leader or seeking to be one in the future - you need to read, read, read about Disruption NOW ! Those that fail to understand and adjust will fall behind.

Feel free to ask Dr Mat via a chat or email on Leadership, Management or change issues, advice, consulting or mentoring that you may seek.

These and other related topics feature in Dr Mats book titled "Leading and Managing Change in the Age of Disruption and Artificial Intelligence" - written for the modern professional, student and academic - in fact anyone wanting to be ahead on modern Leadership and Management issues.

Dr Mats latest book is available through Amazon (kindle version or hard copy can now be purchased) - . This book has been strongly endorsed - so use this link to review the endorsements, or to preview Chapter 1, table of contents and the preface from Amazon (kindle version button) - consider buying this book or recommend it to professional colleagues or friends/family, students and academics. Dr Mat also writes for a number of professional/ other magazines, podcasts, webinars in his quest to spread knowledge on these modern important topics.

Dr Mat is also on Twitter - @DrMat14

Consider your own specific situation and seek professional advice before acting directly in reaction to any of the tips on this website, they are intended as general advice only.

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