it is with great pleasure that we thank The Smart Manager for so kindly including excerpts of my recent book in their Jul-Aug magazine. There is so much interest on disruption and artificial intelligence that it makes sense to share knowledge on the topics.
Of course Dr Mat is always interested in answering questions you may have on his core topics of leadership, management and organisational change in the context of disruption and artificial intelligence. As you can see on this website he regularly publishes articles with prominent magazines and professional bodies, presents to academic audiences and at conferences in between his corporate advisory work.

Weekly Wagers 5: this is mosting likely to be the week we obtain abundant
Sports betting is in vogue, yet I'm not really excellent at it. This year I'm identified to figure out how to beat the chances once and for all yet I'll require a little help to make it happen.It transforms out that I happen to know a sports betting specialist, he goes by Pehs online, and he's completely not my bro. You can locate him on Twitter There are several points in this post that I do not advise and following him on Twitter is at the top of that checklist. Pehs has actually invested years as a degenerate bettor practicing and honing his techniques, and this…