If you ask people are they a leader many will say no - they often relate leadership with key roles in society like the CEO, the politician or the organization head. Yet I would argue that leaders exist in all walks of life and they do not need to hold power positions in order to lead and improve lives or organizations.
Essentially leadership is about influence (or the grease that helps the organisation along), preferably leadership is performed without the "power stick" of pressuring people to follow. Excellent leadership will build context for the followers, provide explanation and show why their preferred direction is appropriate. This sort of leadership will be comfortable with inclusion and engagement, is comfortable with explanations and adjusting plans based on follower or staff feedback. The great leaders rarely use power or authority as they understand the need for people to have time to digest their ideas, they are prepared to explain and bring their people along for the journey.
In Disruption the need to decide and move quickly may be present regularly - some may see the urgency as requiring a push with power to get things done quickly. If you pursue this push in disruption your staff may get tired of the push due to so much change, they may desire input and time to understand. Build a resilient team that appreciates the modern environment that has constant disruption, spend the time building joint understanding and partnering on how you will jointly react in disruption. The principals of leadership may not change in disruption, yet the way you implement them may need to radically change.
Consider hiring leaders now with additional skills ready for Disruption ! avoid the lost opportunities of having managers without the leadership skills required.
If you are a Leader or seeking to be one in the future - you need to read, read, read about Disruption NOW ! Those that fail to understand and adjust will fall behind.
Feel free to ask Dr Mat via a chat or email on Leadership, Management or change issues, advice, consulting or mentoring that you may seek.
These and other related topics feature in Dr Mats book titled "Leading and Managing Change in the Age of Disruption and Artificial Intelligence" - written for the modern professional, student and academic - in fact anyone wanting to be ahead on modern Leadership and Management issues.
His book is available through Amazon (kindle version or hard copy can now be purchased) - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1787563685 . This book has been strongly endorsed - so use this link to review the endorsements, or to preview Chapter 1, table of contents and the preface from Amazon (kindle version button) - consider buying this book or recommend it to professional colleagues or friends/family, students and academics. Dr Mat also writes for a number of professional and other magazines in his quest to improve knowledge on these topics.
Dr Mat is also on Twitter - @DrMat14
Consider your own specific situation and seek professional advice before acting directly in reaction to any of the tips on this website, they are intended as general advice only.