Low-carb diets can increase levels of HDL cholesterol , often called the “good cholesterol”. Hypertension increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and renal failure. Keto can help reduce high blood pressure to healthier levels. Studies show that a Keto diet can reduce them dramatically. All you do is place a ketone testing strip into the meter, and then use the lancet that comes with the meter to make a small pinprick on your finger.
And if your blood pressure goes down, you kind of feel tired and lethargic. You might get orthostatic hypotension if you stand up, maybe even feel a little bit dizzy, you might get a headache.
Let’s start with a conventional diet-- the primary source of fuel is carbohydrates. A person consumes carbohydrates in the form of fruits, vegetables, grains, and processed sugars. Skipping over all the crazy complex reactions, those foods are broken down and produce glucose. Glucose is then used by the body as fuel to help make energy. Both Dr. Ring and Dr. Maganti recommend balanced approaches, like the Mediterranean diet, for long-term weight loss.